E-Passport Reader

E-Passports known as ”Chip Passport”, “Biometric Passport” and ”electronic pasaport” are store data such as passport number,name,surname,nationality,birth date,id no etc. in old passports.
For this purpose,Data such as passport number,id number,name,surname,nationality,job in chip is read by Passport Reader System which developed by our company.
The readings are exported in the desired formats such as (xml,csv,xls,txt etc.) and integrated the software system you are using.

Area of Usage :

• Hajj and Umrah Companies
• Hotels.
• Religious Services.
•Other companies / institutions that want to read / withdraw data from E-passport.

İnosis Mobile Passport Reader

Inosis passport reader system reads data on the passport and transfers it to inosis hajj and umrah software.

Inosis passport reader communicates between camera and MRZ(Machine Readable Zone) using data such as passport number,passport validity date,date of birth then data which read from passport transfer it to inotur hajj and umrah software.